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Adverse Event Reporting

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If you would like to send us information by post, please download the form and mail to the following address:

Global Pharmacovigilance Department
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
CTS No. 201 B/1,
Western Express Highway,
Goregaon (E),
Mumbai 400063

Toll Free Number : 1-800-309-8112
[email protected]

Sun Pharma has a strong commitment to manufacturing quality products. A comprehensive adverse event reporting database is maintained in order to ensure compliance regulations are met globally. Please help us by filling the form below in the event of adverse reactions. The information generated on the basis of these reports helps in continuous assessment of the benefit-risk ratio of medicines.

What needs to be reported?

  • Customers, Healthcare Professionals can report ‘Any Adverse Experience / Side Effect’ experienced after taking Sun Pharma medicine(s).
  • Besides, these are other scenarios/ situations (cited below as examples) which can be reported to Sun Pharma, Pharmacovigilance department for any SunPharma drug that is in question
  • Patient taking company drug  was pregnant → Report to Pharmacovigilance department as pregnancy
  • Company drug on patient X didn’t work → Report to Pharmacovigilance department as Lack of efficacy
  • Patient has overdosed on product X (Company drug) → Report to Pharmacovigilance department as overdose
  • Pack of Company  tablets that are discoloured, or damaged → Report as Product Complaint
  • Patients reports that their tablet was a funny shape → Report as Product Complaint
  • Adverse Event is already identified within the label – would you still report this? → Report everything to Pharmacovigilance department
  • What if an AE is reported to you as the company representative, but no trade name is given → Report everything to Pharmacovigilance department

Who can report:

Any health care professional (Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Pharmacists,Patients etc)
Non healthcare professional (Patient, relative, friend, etc)


The patient’s identity is held in strict confidence and protected to the fullest extent. The company shall not disclose the reporter’s identity in response to a request from the public.
